Jury Duty
Automatic Reminders:
To check the status of your jury service and to sign up for automatic reminders of your reporting date, either by text or email, please click here. Once you are logged in, select "Update my Info" tab to sign up for email and text message reminders.
Obtaining Your Schedule by Phone:
The Circuit Judges of the Twelfth Judicial District are using a phone-in system to assist in keeping you informed of your schedule as a juror in Sebastian County.
Fort Smith Jurors Call: 479-783-1104
Greenwood Jurors call: 479-996-2146
You are to call after 5:30 p.m., the evening before you are scheduled to report for jury duty. If you are scheduled to report on a Monday, call after 5:30 p.m. on Sunday. At that time you will be instructed on whether you should report for jury duty as scheduled, or whether you should report on another date.
You should call only the night before you are scheduled to report for jury duty. Groups of jurors will be scheduled to report on different days. The instructions apply only to the jurors scheduled to report the following day. Many cases are settled before the trial date. Because of this, you must call the night before each day you are scheduled to report. By utilizing this system, you will not have to report unnecessarily.
When you are serving as a juror in a case in progress, do not call the phone-in system. You should report to Court at the times the Presiding Judge instructs, until the case is completed.
When calling the phone-in system the evening before you are scheduled to report, listen only to the instructions for YOUR GROUP.
Fort Smith Courthouse Parking:
On your first reporting day, there will be a brief orientation covering your services as a Fort Smith juror. You may wish to come a little early that day as parking is difficult. As a juror, it is not necessary for you to plug a meter for parking. However, if you receive a citation for parking please clearly put your name and the word JUROR on the citation envelope and put it in the yellow payment box.
“NOTICE TO HEARING OR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PERSONS. Pursuant to Act 897 of 1995, if you are hearing or visually impaired and require accommodation in order to serve as a juror, you are instructed to contact the Court Administrator as soon as you receive this summons to appear for jury duty in order that appropriate assistance will be provided when you arrive for jury orientation. You will be asked to provide your name, address, telephone number and the nature of your impairment. This assistance is available at no cost to you.”
Under Arkansas law, persons summoned for jury duty shall not be subject to discharge from employment, loss of sick leave, loss of vacation time or any other form of penalty upon giving reasonable notice to his or her employer of the summons.
Contacting the Court Administrator:
By Phone: 479/783-1104 between 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday thru Friday.
Email: Court Administrator at JurorInfo@co.sebastian.ar.us
If you have any questions regarding your service as a juror, or if an emergency or prior commitment prohibits you from reporting on the day you are scheduled, please contact the Court Administrator. Whenever possible we will attempt to resolve these conflicts.
Fort Smith and Greenwood Jurors: If you have served as a Fort Smith/Greenwood Petit Juror within the past 2 years or if you no longer reside in that district of Sebastian County, you are not eligible to serve this term and should contact the Court Administrator immediately.