Sebastian County Treasurer/Collector

What your Treasurer does ...
The Treasurer is the disbursement officer of the county and is the unofficial or quasi comptroller. The Treasurer is responsible for the custody and disbursement of all county funds and appropriate school district funds. The Treasurer receives Tax collections, county turnback funds, federal matching funds, state aid to school district, and various revenues from other sources. The Treasurer distributes the funds received and serves as the banking officer for all county funds, depositing, disbursing, and investing funds for the county as prescribed by law. Accurate records of all transactions are required and audited by the State Division of Legislative Audit. (County Procedures Manual by AR Association of Counties)
What your Collector does ...
The County Collector is the collector of taxes for the county and collects municipal, county, school, and improvement district taxes. The taxes collected are turned over to the County Treasurer on a monthly basis for distribution to the taxing entities. The Collector is responsible for collecting all property taxes from March 1 through October 15 during the calendar year after the year of assessment. Any real or personal taxes not paid by October 15 are considered delinquent and the collector extends a 10% penalty against the taxpayer (ACA 26-35-501). Before December 1st of each year, the collector of taxes shall prepare a list of delinquent personal property and real estate taxes and deliver a copy of the list to a legal newspaper in the county. (County Procedure Manual by AR Association of Counties)
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Thank you.
Lora Rice -Treasurer/Collector