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35 So. 6th, Room 105
Fort Smith, AR 72901
Monday through Friday:
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Ph: 479.783.8948
     Personal Property & Business
Fax: 479.784.1522

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get a driver’s license?
Contact the Revenue Department at 479.783.0279 to obtain a license. Contact Driver Services at 479.783.2422 if your license has been suspended and/or you need a permit.

How do I file for divorce?
If children are involved, it is advised you retain an attorney.  If no children or property, you may go to and scroll down to 'SELF HELP FORMS'.   PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE FORMS OVER THE INTERNET!!! These forms usually do not comply with Arkansas Law. The filing fee is $165.00.

Where do I get divorce records?
Circuit Clerk's office, 901 South B #205 479-782-1046 if divorced in Ft. Smith District
• If case is not open (no future court dates set) and it is more than 2 years old, contact Records Department at 479-784-1581, 40 South 4th Street, FSA.
• If Divorced in Greenwood District call 479-996-4175
• Copies are $1.00 per page if mailed and $.50 per page if picked up

How can I change my name?
Arkansas Legal Services Partnership offers a basic fact sheet and a template of the Petition and Order for Name Change. The Petition and Order need to be on separate pieces of paper. Those are two separate documents. The filing fee is $165.00 which can be paid at the Circuit Clerk’s office.

What do you need to get a marriage license?
• Issued Monday - Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
• Both parties must be 18 years or older and have certified proof of age (State-issued birth certificate, valid driver’s license)
• The cost is $60.00 cash or credit card (no checks please)
• Certified copies of Marriage Licenses are available for $5.00.
Where do I go to get a marriage license?
Fort Smith Courthouse
35 So. 6th, Room 102
Fort Smith, AR 72901

Greenwood Courthouse
301 E. Center, Room 104
Greenwood, AR 72936

What is the price of a marriage license?
$60.00 – Cash or Credit Card
Under Age Petition and Order $10.00
Certified Copy $5.00
Photo Copy $.50 (in person)
$1.00 by mail

Where can I park?
There is parking available on the east side or directly south on South B. Please do not park in numbered spaces. All numbered parking spaces are reserved.

Where can I file for bankruptcy?
Contact the U.S. Bankruptcy Clerk at 479.582.9800.

Do you do soil tests for my lawn or vegetable or flower garden?
Yes, the test is free. We require about 1 pint of dry soil. Soil is sent to the laboratory for testing. Results can be expected in 2-3 weeks.

How do I apply for a position with the county?
Visit the Job Opportunities page.

Where do I pay….

Fort Smith
• Pay a fine, court costs, or public defender fee for a Circuit Court Case (felony), to the Prosecuting Attorney, 901 South B, #209, 479.784.1554. Only money orders will be accepted.
• Pay a fine, court costs, or public defender fee for a District Court Case (misdemeanor) to the District Court, 901 South B, #103, 479.784.2420 or online
• Pay Drug Court assessed fees at Drug Court offices, 901 South B, #204.
• A Hot Check can be redeemed from the Prosecuting Attorney, 901 South B, #209. Only money orders will be accepted or pay online.

Payment may be made at the Sebastian County Sheriff's Office on the 1st of the Greenwood Courthouse, or by mail to P.O. Box 337, Greenwood, AR 72936-0337.







Fort Smith Court House
35 South 6 St.
Fort Smith, AR

Justice Building
901 South B St.
Fort Smith, AR

Greenwood Courthouse
11 Town Square
Greenwood, AR 72936

Sheriff Department
800 South A Street
Fort Smith, AR  72901


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