Sebastian County EMS & Rescue
Sebastian County Emergency Medical Service (SCEMS) has an aggressive Training Program for the First Responders among the Rural Fire Departments. We currently have 68 First Responders among 15 Volunteer/Combonation Fire Departments; SCEMS staff are made up of 4 EMTs and 30 are paramedics supporting EMS activities.
SCEMS has a goal of achieve a higher level of care and treatment to our citizens of Sebastian County and those communities we support with Mutual Aid by having a dual Paramedic crew on each service advance life support ambulance. The treatment and care that you will recieve is profficient to that of Northwest Arkansas and other parts of the country due to the training, equipment, and expertise we strive to keep at Sebastian County. Another goal is to allow services to those that reside and pay taxes to keep SCEMS funded to support at this leve. In 2024, a Billing Rate Increase and Discount to tax paying citizens was revised which still shows that our rates are inline or lower than neighboring services around. Resolution 2024-15 Amubulance Rate and Discount