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New Mapping Feature to Help Sebastian County Citizens Interested in Purchasing Tax Delinquent Properties
LITTLE ROCK, Ark - Commissioner of State Lands John Thurston is pleased to announce that
his office has added mapping capabilities to their website to assist individuals interested in
researching tax delinquent properties. The mapping is available through the office's established partnership with DataScoutPro, LLC, an Arkansas based information technology company.

The Sebastian County auction was held on April 3rd of this year and 15 parcels were sold
that day, bringing in over $330,000. The parcels that did not sell that day are now available for purchase through the negotiated sale process; that means 55 new parcels in addition to the 70 that were already on the list. Individuals interested in purchasing tax delinquent property in Sebastian County should visit the Commissioner of State Lands website at,, and choose to view the negotiated sales list. Once on the negotiated sales page, individuals can choose the county and then click "Map This County" which brings up an overview map of the area, much like Google Earth, with pins marking the delinquent parcels available. The interactive map includes property boundary layers, zooming and panning capabilities as well as measuring tools. This feature is in addition to the delinquent parcels' property details, also available for the Negotiated Sales entries, such as: owner, legal description, assessed value, property address and photos if applicable. "The parcel level mapping of our delinquent parcels is an exciting addition to our website, it will help the public research parcels and view boundary lines quickly and easily using mapping technology that is familiar to web users," said Thurston. So far this year, the Commissioner of State Lands office has collected over $9 million dollars at public auctions, the same auctions last year we collected only $6.5 million. We can attribute some of this increase to more competitive bids and more bidders who are using the new mapping feature to aid in their research. Interested researchers may visit the Commissioner of State Lands website ( to view this new mapping tool. There are tips for using the mapping feature listed on our website; for additional assistance please contact the Commissioner of State Lands office at 501-324-9422.




Fort Smith Court House
35 South 6 St.
Fort Smith, AR

Justice Building
901 South B St.
Fort Smith, AR

Greenwood Courthouse
11 Town Square
Greenwood, AR 72936

Sheriff Department
800 South A Street
Fort Smith, AR  72901


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