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Entries for the 'Greenwood District Court' Category

Greenwood District Court has added a pay online service.  Please click the following link ( to lookup an existing citation and process your payment using most major credit cards.  A processing fee will be added to each payment.  If you ha... Continue Reading...
Greenwood District Court will hold NO court events starting Monday, March 16 through Tuesday, March 31, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 Corona Virus situation.  If you have any questions, the Greenwood District Court business office will be opened during normal business hours (no changes).&nbs... Continue Reading...




Fort Smith Court House
35 South 6 St.
Fort Smith, AR

Justice Building
901 South B St.
Fort Smith, AR

Greenwood Courthouse
11 Town Square
Greenwood, AR 72936

Sheriff Department
800 South A Street
Fort Smith, AR  72901


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