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Citizen Safety
In Sebastian County there are 69 registered sex offenders scattered throughout the county. The Sebastian County Sheriff’s Office wants all of our citizens to know where they reside.

“We do the best we can in making sure sex offenders live where they tell us, so it is crucial that our citizens visit our website and click on the sex offender List under Beat Box to see who the sex offenders are and where they are living,” says Sheriff Bill Hollenbeck.

Citizens of Sebastian County may also sign up for e-mail alerts for their home address. This alert will make notification when a registered sex offender is living within a 1 mile radius of your home.

Verification of our offenders includes aggressive compliance sweeps performed randomly. Citizens are encouraged to contact the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Office if they are aware of a registered sex offender being non-compliant. The Sheriff’s Office can be reached at 479-783-1051.




Fort Smith Court House
35 South 6 St.
Fort Smith, AR

Justice Building
901 South B St.
Fort Smith, AR

Greenwood Courthouse
11 Town Square
Greenwood, AR 72936

Sheriff Department
800 South A Street
Fort Smith, AR  72901


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