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Share Your Feedback - Creating Cycling and Walking Trails in Sebastian County

Your voice matters! We're working on the Sebastian County Regional Bicycle &
Pedestrian Plan and we need your feedback to create safe and accessible routes
for Phase I in support of cycling and walking between Greenwood and Chaffee .

Support human-powered travel and help us build a community that prioritizes
accessibility for all. Share your thoughts today!


#GreenwoodToChaffee #BikeWalkSurvey #CommunityFeedback #SafeTravel
#BicyclePedestrianPlan #GreenTransportation





Fort Smith Court House
35 South 6 St.
Fort Smith, AR

Justice Building
901 South B St.
Fort Smith, AR

Greenwood Courthouse
11 Town Square
Greenwood, AR 72936

Sheriff Department
800 South A Street
Fort Smith, AR  72901


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