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Assessor's News Letter 2014
Becky YandellFrom the Desk of Becky Yandell, Sebastian County Assessor: 2014 Assessor’s Newsletter

IMPORTANT PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: The State of Arkansas is now requiring the assessors of Arkansas to assess all royalty rights of gas and oil wells in the state of Arkansas. This announcement will serve as public notice. ______________________________________________________________

We in Sebastian County have not assessed royalty owners in the past. However; the law has been passed in the State Legislature that requires us to do so now. In order to save taxpayer dollars, this letter and a newspaper ad will serve as public notice. We should have the data entry completed and notices sent by 2015.

Check out our new web site at www. Thanks to the county IT department we are able to bring you the latest technology in mapping and searching parcels on the new website.

Our business department has two new field auditors and new business assessors working to assist businesses with assessments. They are Terry Clark, Brent Dedmon, Rhonda Hamm, Tania Martinez, and Teri Huskey.

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 Please feel free to call them at 783-8948. We have found when we send a field auditor to visit with you, we can usually save you money. Allison Phelps and Denisse Keener are taking on the task of entering the royalty assessments.

For instructions and help in filling out your business assessment go to Scroll down to Departments, click on Assessor, Click on Property Assessment to the right of the page. Read Business Assessment.

Teresa has moved from business to real estate where she is working with Nichole, Wendy, Rachele and Tammy.

Each year people ask us to raise or lower the value of their home to match a realtor’s market analysis or a bank appraisal. We will always send an appraiser to re-evaluate your appraisal. However, because we are in a five year reappraisal cycle, the values are not to change until 2015, unless we find a mistake in measurement, age or grade.

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Every year the County holds an Open House in December and a toy drive for the children in foster care. All are welcome. Nnearly 500 children were able to enjoy Christmas gifts. Thank you for helping with our toy drive and remember us for next December!

Don’t forget. When you turn 65, you can bring us your driver’s license and get your real estate taxes frozen……Be sure you have your $350.00 Homestead Exemption. Our wish for 2014 is that your life be filled with health, happiness, wisdom and wealth!




Fort Smith Court House
35 South 6 St.
Fort Smith, AR

Justice Building
901 South B St.
Fort Smith, AR

Greenwood Courthouse
11 Town Square
Greenwood, AR 72936

Sheriff Department
800 South A Street
Fort Smith, AR  72901


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