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County Judge David Hudson Calls for Volunteers

Sebastian County Judge David Hudson announced that the Fall Cleanup Campaign has been scheduled for Saturdays in September and October as a part of the Great Arkansas Cleanup Statewide. The County Cleanup Campaign maintains the natural beauty of Sebastian County and helps eliminate illegal dump sites:

The Sebastian County Campaign will take place on Saturdays starting September 20, 2014 through October 25, 2014. Dumpster schedules and locations are as follows:

  • Saturday, Sept. 20, 7 AM - 2 PM - Central City - City Hall
  • Saturday, Sept. 20, 7 AM - 2 PM - Lavaca - East Seb. County Park, Featherhill Road
  • Saturday, Sept. 27, 7 AM - 2 PM - Jenny Lind - Jenny Lind Loop & Gate 9 road
  • Saturday, Oct. 4, 7 AM - 2 PM - Witcherville - Park Highway 71 South
  • Saturday, Oct. 4, 7 AM - 2 PM - Mansfield - Public Works Building
  • Saturday, Oct. 4, 7 AM - 2 PM - Huntington - West Broadway at Cherokee Park
  • Saturday, Oct. 11, 7 AM - 2 PM - Greenwood Rural - County Road Department
  • Saturday, Oct. 11, 7 AM - 2 PM - Milltown - VFD Community Building
  • Saturday , Oct. 11, 7 AM - 2 PM - Greenwood City - Street Dept. - 104 Bell Road
  • Saturday, Oct. 18, 7 AM - 2 PM - Hackett - By the High School Gym on East Greenwood Street
  • Saturday , Oct. 18, 7 AM - 2 PM - Bonanza - Street Dept. on Hwy 45
  • Saturday, Oct. 25, 7 AM - 2 PM - Midland - Intersection 45 & 253
  • Saturday , Oct. 25, 7 AM - 2 PM - Hartford - Old City Park - Holly & 1st Street

Dumpsters will be placed by 7:00 AM on Saturday and will be picked up by 2:00 PM on the same day. Dumpsters are picked up by 2:00 PM in order to be hauled to the Landflll and dumped by closing time (3:30 PM)

NOTE: Dumpsters will be staffed at all times to assure that only acceptable wastes are disposed of. The following items are NOT acceptable in the "dumpsters" due to Landfill regulations:

  • Yard waste, grass, leaves and brush
  • Used oil
  • Tires
  • Batteries
  • Hazardous or toxic wastes
  • *TV's Computers - Electronic Equipment
  • Cleaning chemicals
  • Herbicides or pesticides
  • Paints or liquids of any kind
  • Freon containing appliances (appliances using Freon MUST have the compressor removed before it can be accepted)

This cleanup is for Residents only and NOT for Commercial Dumping

Local volunteers are needed for litter pickups during the scheduled clean up days. For more information on participating in local events, call the Sebastian County Coordinator at 452-4104 or the County Judge's office at 783-6139. You may also call the Great Arkansas CleanUp hotline at 1-888-742-8701.

Dumpsters will be placed in several locations throughout the County in order for County residents to have a convenient place to bring collected trash for safe and legal disposal. White goods (appliances, refrigerators, etc.) may be placed in a designated area with the County Road Department disposing of these items on Monday following the cleanup date in your area. Tires will be accepted as a part of this cleanup campaign, to be placed in a designated area for special handling. These are being picked up in an effort to reduce mosquito breeding areas in recognition of the West Nile Mosquito Virus issue. Also, there will be a separate trailer for the collection of electronics.

Dumpsters will be placed by 7:00 AM on Saturday and are available until 2:00 PM on the same day or until they are filled. Dumpsters will be picked up by 2:00 PM in order to be hauled to the Landfill and dumped by closing time (3:30 PM).

To learn more about the statewide cleanups and keep Arkansas Beautiful campaigns, contact the State Coordinator at 501-682-3507 for dates for fall cleanups.

*Note: For the Fall 2014 Cleanup Electronics will be accepted. A trailer will be placed, by the Solid Waste District, for these items.




Fort Smith Court House
35 South 6 St.
Fort Smith, AR

Justice Building
901 South B St.
Fort Smith, AR

Greenwood Courthouse
11 Town Square
Greenwood, AR 72936

Sheriff Department
800 South A Street
Fort Smith, AR  72901


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