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Assessor's Newsletter 2015

 Sebastian County Assessor’s Newsletter



Thank you for assessing before May 31st. Be sure to tell your family and friends to assess before May 31st to avoid a late penalty. Also, don’t forget to assess your business.

IMPORTANT PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: The State of Arkansas is now requiring the assessors of Arkansas to assess all royalty rights of gas and oil wells in the state of Arkansas. This and an ad in the newspaper will serve as public notice.

Check out our website at where you can look up real estate records and see a virtual map of the neighborhood. Be sure to ask us to check that you have your Homestead Credit of up to $350.00 and when you turn 65 or if you become disabled you may qualify to have your taxes frozen.

ANTIQUE CARS: The state of Arkansas has raised the value on all vehicles over twenty years old. If you have an antique car, be aware that the assessment may go up substantially.

Zach Johnson, our Reappraisal Manager was arrested this year but all for a good cause, MDA. Thank you Zach!






 Each year the Sebastian County Elected officials and the employees of the county host a Courthouse Christmas Open house along with a gift drive for the children in foster care. Thank you for helping with the gift drive and remember to come join us. Below is the picture of us loading the toys to take to the DHS.

Susan Clem our Greenwood Office Manager and the Greenwood Court house hold a Halloween Open house each year. All are welcome. This year the assessor employees came as witches. (too pretty to scare anyone!)

                             TC&BD                                      TC&BD                         

                            Santas Terry Clark                             Teresa Sumrall, Shana Mora

                              Brent Dedmon                                             Susan Clem

2015 marks the end of the five year Reappraisal. TASC will be mailing out notices in July if your real estate value has gone up. Otherwise, you will not receive a notice.

We support our law enforcement, fire fighters, our emergency services and our military with a big THANK YOU!

Our wish for you in 2015 is that you have a healthy, happy, prosperous and blessed year!

Sincerely, Becky Yandell
Sebastian County Assessor




Fort Smith Court House
35 South 6 St.
Fort Smith, AR

Justice Building
901 South B St.
Fort Smith, AR

Greenwood Courthouse
11 Town Square
Greenwood, AR 72936

Sheriff Department
800 South A Street
Fort Smith, AR  72901


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